Valeriy Belenikin “Miles of Mules Southern Corral”

The recent incident at Doylestown, PA, regarding the damaged “Mule” brought me to the realization that perhaps a series of paintings should be created to ensure that this element of our local historical and cultural heritage might be preserved. The “Mule” sculptures, after all, will be with us only a short while longer.  Preservation of their memory, therefore, becomes a matter of immediate importance, since, in my opinion, local cultural events, if they are of any value whatsoever, are destined to become events of local history.

It is for this reason that I decided to create a series of seventy four “on the site”

paintings (somewhat less than one half of the sculptures in question , placed at

various locations along the mighty Delaware). Considerations of time alone did not permit me to paint all 165 “Mules.”

It is my sincere desire that these paintings will serve to focus our attention upon one of the more prominent cultural events in on-going history of the Delaware Valley.